Weekly fresh bouquets are beautifully arranged with the biggest and best seasonal blooms. Subscription bouquets are more bountiful with more premium flowers than our standard market bouquet at the flower stand.

I offer two different options for subscriptions – pick up and delivery.  The bouquets will be the same, just one will be delivered to your doorstep and the other you will be responsible for picking up. 

Delivery ($240 for 8 wks) - Deliveries will take place each week on Thursday and are currently only for Bellingham addresses. However, if you live outside of the delivery area I can deliver to your place of work or a mutually agreed upon area.

Pick up ($200 for 8 wks) – You will be able to pick up your bouquet at my house each week on Thursday between 3 pm and 7 pm. If you are not able to pick up within this timeframe, let me know and we can work something out.

The bouquet subscription runs for eight weeks, with the opportunity to add on additional weeks if the flowers are still producing.  The start date is subject to change but will likely be in the beginning of July. I will notify you at least one week in advance of your first scheduled delivery/pick up date. Please note that one week in August will be skipped due to travel.

Summer Bouquets

The summer flower subscription is a wonderful way to enjoy local blooms all summer long! Mixed bouquets are constantly changing and are filled with a beautiful assortment of cosmos, dahlias, zinnias, snapdragons, sunflowers, pincushion, love-in-a-mist, poppies, herbs, branches, and more.

To purchase the summer bouquet subscription, please fill out the form below and then venmo me (@bbbouquets) within 48 hr of form completion. Once I have received the completed form and payment, you will receive a confirmation email of your subscription and purchase. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.